All traser swiss H3 watches share a unique and highly useful key-feature: the trigalight self-activated illumination technology, keeping the time display glowing brightly and constantly (24 hours / 7 days) in total darkness and poor visibility conditions. trigalight is manufactured in Switzerland by mb-microtec ag, the mother company of traser swiss H3 and the original founder and market leader of this amazing technology. It is the most reliable form of illumination utilized for watches and completely self-powered: it requires no electrical current from a battery and it doesn’t have to be periodically recharged by daylight. And it continues to glow for decades.
traser swiss H3 watches are purpose-built and feature Swiss quality movements, sapphire crystals and are water-resistant from 3 to 20 ATM. traser swiss H3 watches are trusted by people for whom reliable timekeeping in complete darkness and under poor visibility conditions is indispensable: e.g. members of special intervention units, operative-tactical professionals, providers of emergency services, athletes, nature lovers, professional people, and private individuals who lead active and adventurous lives.
As always, Time Center understands the importance of strong and reliable after-sales service. Clients can rest assured that their timepieces will be well taken care of at the service center in Um-Uthaina by maintenance experts.
Where to Shop
Taj Lifestyle Center
Taj Mall - 2nd Floor
(06) 592 1601
Irbid - City Center
(02) 691 1772